The sermon this week is based on the story of the calling of the disciples in Luke as paraphrased by the Spark Bible.
The Dominion of God
The Dominion of God. What
does that look like? Visions of lambs and lions getting along… Seeing old
relatives, friends… being perfectly happy…
Maybe that’s what we
think of when we think of heaven. How about now? Who makes up that dominion?
People? Christians? Us? Those called by God? Those called by Jesus? What does
all that look like?
Well, today we get a
glimpse. Jesus calls Simon/Peter, Andrew, James, and John. These are the rock
stars of the gospel. These are the guys who were at the last supper—good grief,
Peter and John MADE the Last Supper! James and John and Peter witnessed the
transfiguration—we’ll see that in January, when Moses and Elijah show up as
well. They voice the questions we ourselves might often ask. They ask Jesus these things and
we get to hear the recorded answers.
Can you imagine being
able to talk with them for just five minutes?!
What’s Jesus like? What food did
he eat? They know the untold story—the little things you only get from actually
being there. Did he stop when he got a pebble in his sandal? How did you all
handle days that were too warm to travel? Were there any favorite stories on
those walks from town to town.
You know, I’d even be
interested in talking to people who worked with them. How did Simon, Andrew,
James and John run off like that? What was it about them that was different?
Was there anything? Were they just normal fishermen, like you?
That’s it, too. They
were normal, everyday fishermen. They hadn’t even been good fishermen that
day—they hadn’t caught a thing until Jesus showed up. Fishermen—not as a hobby,
but as a career. These are not lawyers, doctors, teachers who fish in their
spare time. These are fishers who live on their boats all day—pulling in nets,
fixing them, following the harvest wherever it goes. Covered in scales,
surrounded by seawater and sun, with that fish smell ground into their
skin—deeper than any soap can reach.
These are the people Jesus
calls. These are the people that I—and I imagine some of you—would me most
interested in talking with. That we would hope would give us just a few minutes
of their time.
Then there’s Matthew—a
person who, just by the nature of his job, would be stereotyped as a crook. Tax
collectors were reputed to skim a bit of the taxes off the top for their own
pockets. Now, we don’t know if Matthew was one of those people—like any
stereotype, it doesn’t apply to everyone. Jesus sees past the job and even the
stereotype here. He calls Matthew, and this tax collector becomes one of his
closest pupils. Again, the last supper, the miracles, the first-hand witness to
Jesus’ teachings and answers to questions. What would we give for five minutes
with someone like him?
Then there are the
women! Where will this end? Women were worse than tax collectors in
terms of social status. They were second-class citizens. That’s not too
difficult for me to imagine. I’ve certainly encountered enough gender
assumptions to last me a lifetime--
And that's in the 21st Century in the United States of America.
This story takes place in 1st Century Israel.
Again, Jesus works with
these individuals—these people—sees them for who they are. Not women and tax
collectors and fishers, but as Simon/Peter, as Andrew, as James, as John, as
Matthew, as Mary Magdalene, as Joanna, as Susanna, as Philip, as Bartholomew,
as Thomas, as James, as Thaddeus, as Simon, as Judas.
We acknowledge that
we’re called, too. We’re called from wherever we are—by name, as the disciples
were. Baptized by that name. Joined to God’s family, and sent—sent to serve
God’s world. Sent to learn from and work with one another, as the disciples
And what or who are we
sent to work with? How about fishers? How about tax collectors? How about
people like Joanna and James and Matthew—who are more than the stereotypes
would let us believe. AND these are not people we would reach out to, to help
or pity, but people we would seek out, hoping they’ll talk to us, hoping
they’ll teach us, hoping they will give us just a few minutes of insight. This
is what God’s family looks like—this is what the group of Jesus’ followers
looks like--from the beginning.
We’re sent out into the
world—and there’s no way we can do this alone. Did you notice? Even Peter and
Andrew had to ask James and John for help with the nets of fish. There is quite
literally a boatload of work to do. Too much for us to get caught up in labeling
people by the group they belong to. We have to get beyond that.
We are called by
name—each of us. Each of us called to follow Jesus. Each of us privileged to be
able to respond and to walk the path of discipleship, with Jesus, with each
other, with God’s people everywhere. Amen.
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